msh di tag.....
A - Available?
no..already taken...hahaha
B - Birthday?
4 januari 1990
C - Last cigarette you smoke?
ntah la...dh x ingt...lme sgt dh...hahaha...amek ko!
D - Drink you last had?
sky juice....x elok minum manis2.hehehe(save bajet ni)
E - Easiest person to talk to?
the person who understand me.....
F - Favorite color?
G - Gummy bears or gummy worms?
nope 4 both..
H - Home town?
pay rock!!
I- In deep thought?
J- just got out of a relationship?
newly in relationship
K- Killed someone?
if i could..there are several persons that i like to kill......hehehe(gelak jht)
L - Lime or lemon?
M- Money or love? love....
N - Number of siblings?
O - One wish
become a gud teacher....
P - Person you last commented?
cik qib
Q - Quiet?
sometimes....ble aq x de mud saja
R - Reason you smiled?
ble my lip gtl2 nk smile...
S - Song you last heard
rindu terhenti....x la sdp mne cm yg digembar gemburkn..agak kecewa gak x tgk mlm final....
T- Time you woke up today? assembly dong..harus la bgn awal dr bese...
U - u happy?
wlau pe pn terjd.idup mst dtruskn.....owez want to be epi ol da time...
V- Vegetarian?
carnivor!!hehehe...siap la kau cik ayam...
W -Worst habit? x de je...hahaha....kemalasan yg amat2....
X - Last X-GF/bf?
x prnh be 'x'..msh ber 'f' ok....hehehe
Y - Yogurt flavor?
ok..just layan....
Z - Zodiac sign?
mbekkkkkk!!!!miss capri.....
Bila anak mengikut.
5 years ago
Nak jwab sume tag yang ada,.but later,.
pedis mate,.
nnt la yeaa
HAHAHA weyy mengong..diam2 sudah! grrr. :P
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