1. Do you smoke ciggs?
=no!say x nk to rokok
2.Have you kissed somebody in the last 2 weeks?
=Yep!!my mom,kimi n bb ain
3.Who's the last person that came to your house?
4.Miss someone?
=Yepp!!my fmly ,pwen n my abg
5.Is there anyone you would like to fight?
=no.....hate violence
6.Do you like someone right now?
7.Song playing?
=stick wit u...pcd
8.What are you doing tomorrow?
=pj..klas.......mkn....tido blik cik yus n yam....wat asgmnt
9.Do you know what tofu is?
=rse cm tau tp x sure lor...yg lembik2 2 ek....
10.Have you ever eaten it?
=Penah kot...eeeiii..x ske mende lembik2
11.Do you want to go back to middle school?
=sgt mau...sonok2...mish my pwen a lot...tp x mo exam...huhuhu...very challenging lor
12.Have you ever watched the Britney Spears movie?
13.What did you do yesterday?
=wat asgmnt...g klas...gerko..tp x de pn.. men2 smpai kuar pluh..mkn kt kdai ayu tomyam yam sdp banget. sile le ke sne jika melalui mktb sg. petani...sblh je...
14.Who did you ride in a car with last?
=my abah...luv u!!
15.Are you tired?
=sleepy je...x tido ptg ni..print asgmnt
16.Who were you with today/tonight?
=miss qib,my new rummate..hehehe..yunisa....doing asgmnt
17.Where is your mother right now?
=seb perak...kt umah....
18 .What color socks do you have on?
=x pkai pn..dlm blik....ari ni pn...g klas x pkai sock...very the geli
19.What color is the shirt you are wearing?
20.Where is the best place you have ever visited?
=teluk batik...swim2
21.Do you think barbie is a negative role model for young girls?
=yezz...damn sexy....
22.How long does it take you to get ready to go out?
=ikt la....tp skjp je ...around 5 min
23.Does your family own any boats?
=x de..aq bkn dok tepi pntai pn...
24.Have you ever kissed your cat?
=x pnh kiss kcing sbb x de n x ske.......x ske... x ske....
25.Where were you when 9/11 happened?
=x ingt la...kt hostel kot
26.Describe the computer you are currently using?
27. Have you been outside of the U.S.?
=kuar m'sia pn x pnh...msk u.s lg la...inikn nk kuar..apada
28.The last text you received on your mobile was from?
=my abg..sorry...bz....nnt msg ek
29.Last movie u watched?
=Resident evil.....nice..tp aq tkt tgk makhluk 2....
30.Ever had a crush on a teacher?
=x kot...
31.Do you wish at 11:11?
=x pnh pn...erm....ad2...wish mte zq cpt tido...kalo aq x leh tido time 2..hehehe
32.contacts or glasses?
33.Next vacation you're going on?
=wanna go to pdng beso very much..pwen..make it happen..aq mau shpping lor
34.Do you play any instruments?
=rekoder...time skul..hahaha
35.Do you have any piercings? where?
36.Last person you hugged?
=my emak..n bb ain.kalo bley my abg skali....aq mau pluk..hehehe..lwk je
37.In the last 24 hours what did you do?
38.Who/What made you angry today?
=sum1 that doing sumthing wrong but not responsible....very disappointed lor
39.Do you download music?
=no...mengepa only..
40.Has anyone ever sang or played music for you personally?
=hahaha.ad2.......my abg lor..so sweet la....
41.Do you love anyone?
=ALLAH + FAMILY + pwen.....abg.....hehehe.n fahrin...uish
42.Have you ever bungee jumped?
=no....n neve
43.How many pets do you have?
=x pnh ad...x mnt la
44.Ever have an antfarm?
45.Do you find yourself loved?
=yezz...by fmly......pwen...n abg....tq all to love me.....
46.Has anyone you were close to passed away recently?
=Yez.....my buddy....izzah sofea.....may God bless her,,,,i really sad to lost u
47.Where is the weirdest place you have slept?
=kat kabin dlm kapal kt lumut...sgt la kecik bangang smpai aq rse aq tido dlm laci.aq x leh tido pn sbb aq fobia tmpt smpit...really killing me
48.What's the closest orange object to you?
=kain batik aq.....
49.What is your natural hair color?
=hitam....nmpk kemas...nme aq faten...hehehe
50.Where was your default picture taken?
=kelas F2d, bsama miss qib....n my koya-koyaan pic that i take everywhere i wanna.. very the prsan...
Bila anak mengikut.
5 years ago
da bace,.
bgus..mnjawab soklan!
aichh..name abe jee dop sebut ni,.
GAtaiii ;)
ak borim..
sdih mntag xde respon!!~ ;(
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